
Central Asia. The impact of the war in Ukraine on regional multi-vector policy

The mission of The Opportunity Institute for Foreign Affairs is to detect latent potential and identify non-obvious opportunities. Our work, therefore, focuses on topics that are often on the fringes of mainstream analyses, dictated by key geopolitical considerations. We pay attention to events and trends that may both directly and indirectly affect the political and strategic choices of Poland and our region.

Thus, we are proud to present our report “Central Asia. The impact of the war in Ukraine on regional multi-vector policy.” The genesis of this document lies in recognizing the urgent need to understand recent events and political trends in Central Asia in relation to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

The conclusions in this report are the result of intensive expert discussions we held on September 25-26, 2023 and subsequent consultations. Knowing that a reliable description of key events, political developments, and regional dynamics requires an indepth understanding of the Central Asian region, we have rallied chief representatives of the analytical community – from countries in the region and Poland.

We would like to sincerely thank each expert for their involvement and contribution to the discussions and preparation of this publication. We hope that this report will provide you with a valuable source of information and opinion on the countries of the region and will let you reflect on possible directions of cooperation, development and investment to the benefit of Central Asia and Poland.

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