Zaprzysiężenie nowych rządów krajowych w Brandenburgii oraz Turyngii
Gabinety powołane po wyborach do parlamentów krajowych Brandenburgii i Turyngii ...
This week’s Balkans monitor focuses the recent mayoral elections in Northern Kosovo that has sparked political unrest. It then examines the implications of the most recent meeting between Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow and their discussion on strengthening ties between Russia and the Serb-dominated entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Next it looks at the most recent clashes between Skopje and Sofia concerning the rights of the Bulgarian minority in North Macedonia. The analysis concludes by discussing the recent approval by the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to build two new pipelines to supply gas from Russia and Azerbaijan via Serbia and Croatia.
Vanessa Tinker
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