Zaprzysiężenie nowych rządów krajowych w Brandenburgii oraz Turyngii
Gabinety powołane po wyborach do parlamentów krajowych Brandenburgii i Turyngii ...
While the EU and US have remained pre-occupied in de-escalating the ongoing Kosovo-Serbia crisis, the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increasingly become unstable. For the past few years, Milorad Dodik and his SNSD party have continued to make secessionist threats and undermine BiH institutions. RS’s government’s recent decision to suspend the ruling of Bosnia’s constitutional court has sparked fears of further successionist efforts. This Monitor provides a brief background of BiH’s constitutional court system and Dodik’s rise to power, it then retraces a series of events that led to most recent fallout between RS and Bosnia’s constitutional court that has placed BiH in its present precarious position, and finally discusses the future implications.
Vanessa Tinker
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